Women of Faith Prayer Group

A “Women of Faith” Prayer Group will be held every 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Mercy House (adjacent to Blessed Seelos Church) beginning February 24th.  It is open to women ages 18 and up.  Please join in this hour of prayer to delve into a deeper relationship with Christ for a greater sense of purpose, prayer and peace!  For more information, please contact

Mary Beth Broussard at 228.435.0007 or mbb_033@yahoo.com or email Michele Moore at michele@pgms-ms.com.  The sign-up sheets are in the back of church.

2021 Contributions

The 2021 contribution statements are now available. You may call the office to request your statement, if needed.

Special Collection- Latin America and Saltillo Mission

There is a special collection, January 22nd & 23rd for the Church in Latin America & Saltillo Mission.  This helps educate priests, religious and lay pastoral leaders; assists missionaries; trains catechists and youth ministers; and supports the Church’s work with those in need.  Please be generous in your support.


Thank you to all of our parishioners who made our Angel Tree a success!! Between our two parishes, 130 children received Christmas gifts!!

May God’s blessings shower upon you this new year!!

Bless Your Door on The Epiphany:

The gospel tells us that the magi found Christ “on entering the house.” The door to your home is a holy threshold. You can bless those who come in and go out by inscribing above the door in chalk the first two numbers of the year + C + M + B + the last two numbers of the year. Tradition tells us that the letters stand for the names of the magi: Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar. Adolph Adam points out that it may also mean “Christus mansionem benedicat” or “May Christ bless this dwelling.” It’s appropriate to bless your door in January—janua means “door” and the first month is the door to the new year.

After inscribing the doorway, say this prayer:

God of Bethlehem and Cana, God of Jordan’s leaping waters, in baptism you bring us into your family. You wed us and embrace us as your beloved. May we fill this place with kindness to one another, with hospitality to guests, and with abundant care for every stranger. By the gentle light of a star, guide home all who seek you on paths of faith, hope and love. Then we will join the angels in proclaiming your praise: Glory in heaven and peace on earth, now and for ever. Amen.

Special Collection- Jan 8 & 9 – Aged and Infirm Priests

**There will be a special collection next weekend, January 8th / 9th for the Aged and Infirm Priests. The cost of providing healthcare and other necessary expenses for our retired priests has grown. Please be generous in your support.