Exposition and Adoration
During Lent, we will have the Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday from 9 am until Noon at Our Mother of Sorrows. Come spend some time with Jesus!
During Lent, we will have the Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday from 9 am until Noon at Our Mother of Sorrows. Come spend some time with Jesus!
Our Mother of Sorrows 5:30 pm
Blessed Francis Seelos 6:00 pm
At Blessed Seelos Tuesday, March 29th 6:00 pm
Reconciliation is an invitation to place ourselves in God’s gentle presence and the overwhelming truth about this sacrament is that God wants to heal us more than we want to be healed. Nothing gives Jesus greater joy than forgiving us of our sins. The priest in his role as confessor in the Sacrament of Reconciliation can help because he understands that we sometimes need a voice other than our own to assure us that we are forgiven, that all is well. Through this sacrament, God seeks to remove our fears and guide us into future confidence that we are loved by a God that desires so much for us.
There will be a special collection next weekend, March 26th / 27th for Catholic Relief Services. Your donation will provide humanitarian aid and advocating on behalf of victims. Please be generous in your support.
If you would like to make a donation towards our parish Easter flowers in memory of a loved one, please pick up an envelope in the back of church marked “Easter Flowers”. Write your name on the envelope and write who the flowers are “in memory of”. The suggested donation is $12 ea. Orders must be received by April 3rd.
**There will be a special collection next weekend,
March 19th / 20th for Bishop Vitaliy and his people in Western Kyiv, Ukraine. Please read Bishop Kihneman’s letter that is included in the bulletin. You may also donate through our diocesan website at www.biloxidiocese.org.
“He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust”
A note from Fr. Daniel:
This weekend is the start of the 2022 Catholic Sharing Appeal. Bishop Kihneman invites each of us to help through our prayerful and financial support of this year’s appeal. Our Catholic Sharing Appeal provides essential operating support for those offices that provide direct services to both this parish and thousands of people throughout the seventeen counties that comprise this diocese.
It is our goal to reach 100% participation for our parish! Our goal for this year is $ 16,523.