When we look at the world today, there are so many people who are confused, lost, suffering, and in search of something that society can never provide. There is a great need for us to share the Good News! In choosing to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to everyone through our own personal and public witness of Christ, and making the eternal life of our family members, friends, neighbors, and strangers our mission, we are following the Great Commission of Jesus.
Your generous support of the ministries of the Diocese of Biloxi through the Catholic Sharing Appeal allows us, together as a Church, to share the love of God in a tangible way, to witness, and to begin to accompany our brothers and sisters in their own journey of discipleship in the Lord Jesus. Through YOUR faith, prayers, and donations, we are able to accomplish so much good in our diocese, and I am grateful.
Your gift to the Catholic Sharing Appeal helps to educate and form seminarians for the priesthood and men for the Permanent Diaconate, and to care for our retired priests who continue to minister in our parishes and communities – and those who can no longer do so. Your generosity brings food, medicine, clothing, and shelter to those in most need, as well as being a great help to many people of all ages who come to know Christ more fully through our faith formation programs.
Your prayerful support of the Catholic Sharing Appeal is a sign of your faith in the mission of the Church, and it greatly helps to share the message of Jesus Christ to all people in the communities of our diocese. I ask that you pray for the success of our mission, and bring people, as Psalm 91:2 says, to “My refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust.”
Please pray for me and be assured of my continued prayers for you and your intentions in the Masses that I offer daily.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Louis F. Kihneman, III Bishop of Biloxi